Think Vegas Is Crazy Today? Wait Till You See These Photos From Sin City’s Past
They don't call Las Vegas "Sin City" for nothing. From dangerous dames to gun-toting gangsters, absurd money-making gimmicks to glamorous celebs, the sins of modern Vegas have nothing on the vices and scandals of its past. Because a picture is worth a thousand turns of the roulette wheel, we present some of the most violent, sex-fueled, shocking, and outrageous images from the gambling mecca's past. Who knew that these photos even existed? Click on to see the Entertainment Capital of the World as you've never seen it before. And, yes, number 15 is completely real.
You Definitely Can't See This City from Space

Before the neon and bling, the city was nothing but another frontier town. This image from 1906 was taken shortly after Vegas was incorporated as a city by Mormon developers. Of course, it wasn't too long before the booze, broads, and bucks made their appearance (click to the next slide to see the debauchery).
Bring on the Bucks!

As prohibition fell, Las Vegas thrived. By the 1940s and 1950s, it was ringing with the sounds of slots and giddy tourists itching to let go of their hard-earned cash. At least they did with style back then! Even today, you can catch the majority of people in Vegas sporting their fanciest or favorite outfits hitting the slots hard.
Call it a tradition to go out to Las Vegas and get as clean cut as possible while you spend all your money. But gambling wasn't the only vice the city offered as you'll soon see...
The World's Oldest Profession Found a Home in Vegas

Prostitution thrived, too. This photo from 1954 captures the unbelievable moment when the feds raided the famous Roxie's brothel on Four Mile. Even the town's sheriff was taking bribes from brothel owners until a pearl-clutching developer started cracking down.
As if the gambling wasn't enough for men, you add in naked women and a man is likely to risk it all and not ask any questions. Why do you think they blow so much money at strip clubs? It's no coincidence that strippers at big strip clubs make more money than tons of people. But the Cold War brought other diversions for men...
Meet Miss Cue!

Yes, that is a mushroom cloud tiara. At the height of the arms race, the prospect of annihilation was on everyone's mind - including these army chaps, who had a blast in Vegas by crowning Linda Lawson "Miss Cue" after a delayed nuclear test dubbed "Operation Mis-Cue." But Vegas wasn't always radiated with the atom, as we'll see in a bit.
How you would you react if you thought that your town was on the heels of being massacred? Well, there are many responses to that but one route would be to take it light heartedly because panicking doesn't usually solve anything. And look how things turned out, not that bad.
City on Fire!

Vegas is a fiery city - sometimes literally! This is a photo of the Sands Hotel and Casino up in flames after workers accidentally let loose a spark that ignited the roof. Although no one was seriously injured, the fire caused a million dollars in damage. Imagine if this happened today. Do you see the group of people standing there staring?
Those same group of people would have their phones out recording for their social media, same stance different angles. Of course, the Vegas mob is also known for its "accidents." Warning: graphic content ahead...

Lefty was astute in his observation that sex appeal sells. After allowing women to become blackjack dealers at the Stardust, the casino's profits doubled. Soon, all other casinos followed suit. So, although the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice, it is often motivated by sex appeal and profits - and celebrities.
We told you men would do anything around attractive scantily clothed women. So when you mix in blackjack with that, there is no telling how much money was wasted at these table by grown men. Lefty was a smart man indeed.
Vegas and Old Blue Eyes

This rare photo of Frank Sinatra captures him as he would want to be remembered - surrounded by beautiful women, living life his way. Old Blue Eyes was also known for his opposition to segregation; Sinatra refused to perform at clubs that banned fellow Rat Pack member Sammy Davis, Jr. onto the premises even while allowing him to perform.
Why would you even want to perform if you couldn't have your whole team with you anyway? Maybe if they lured him with women his tuned would have changed. Let's get back to sex and Vegas...

We can't discuss Vegas without showgirls, can we? They are a mainstay in the Las Vegas entertainment industry, and continue to be so to this day! This candid shot of showgirls strutting their stuff up on the stage gives us a glimpse of what type of women were chosen to perform. You know Vegas had to have the prettiest of women be showgirls because it attracted more men willing to spend their money and some women too. But there was someone else who drew attention too...
The King is in the Building!

As soon as someone says "Vegas," one of two things come to mind: slot machines and Elvis impersonators. And this is as it should be. There are also tons of other impersonators like a Transformer or any given superhero you could think of but the Elvis one is the most iconic one. Elvis had many fans so it was perfect for him to be sort of a mascot of Vegas.
In addition to performing the city's anthem, Viva Las Vegas,Elvis's live shows drew millions of people. But so did the antics of the next guy on the list...
Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee!

Muhammad Ali was an athlete like no other. His antics, both in the boxing ring and outside of it, were an aesthetic delight that brought bragging to the level of art. Not only was he taking hits in the ring but he was fighting the battle for civil rights. There really wasn't another athlete like him. He is the definition of a generational athlete.
In this intimate photo, the champ is preparing for one of the several fights he took on in Las Vegas. Of course, Ali wasn't the only one to tower over others...(click to see the next slide!)
Welcome to the Circus!

Yes, you are seeing a casino with trapeze showgirls overhead. That is next level entertainment. There really is no place quite like Las Vegas if you sit down and think about it. Well, at least in America that is. Just imagine if these lovely girls were swinging over your head while you are trying to enjoy your gambling.
Never put it past Sin City to think up new combinations aimed at distracting tourists from realizing how much money they're actually spending. Forget the mortgage - look, a clown! Or, as we'll see in the next slide - look, a nuclear bomb!
Have an Atomic Cocktail and Enjoy the Show!

You read that right; that cloud in the distance is a mushroom cloud. Back when the U.S. and Russia were arguing over whose explosions were bigger, Nevada was the military's testing ground. The explosions even became entertainment fixtures, as "sky rooms" offered unobstructed views of the blasts while serving "atomic cocktails."
Now, do you believe that Vegas will think of anything to scam the good people out of their money? Through mutation and all. However mutated it is, Vegas has the Wild West in its DNA, as seen in the next photo.
He Sleeps with the Fishes

Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was one of the most notorious - and charismatic - gangsters of his era. He's also someone who put Las Vegas on the map. But being in charge of the famous Flamingo Hotel and Casino had its costs, as Siegel was gunned down in 1947.
Being a gangster doesn't really come with a happy ending most of the time. It could be a lucrative deal most of the time but it usually isn't worth it. Don't worry - Sin City has more violence in store for your guilty eyes...
First a Ka-Ching and Then a Yeehaw!

Who would have thought that cowboys roamed the Las Vegas Strip, but there they were. You normally don't think of cowboys being in that environment. When have you ever seen a cowboy gambling in any movie or TV show?
It would be quite hard to think of one off the top of your head. In this photo from 1935. It looks as though gunslingers, outlaws, and frontiersmen are all gathered at some Texas saloon, gambling away their winnings. For an image of a Vegas cowboy that you'll never forget, click to see the next slide!
Las Vegas' Cross-Eyed Cowboy

While New York has its "Naked Cowboy," Las Vegas had its "Cross-Eyed Cowboy." Those bulging eyes, that mustache-adorned smirk, and that heroic pose make you wonder if it was just tobacco that he was chewing. Why do you ask? Because why would a crossed-eyed cowboy be merrily roaming around Las Vegas showcasing his "uniqueness". Some people out there just have no shame.
We're sure that this world belongs to the Cross-Eyed Cowboy and we're just sharing it. Now, horses weren't the only four-legged creatures on the Strip - check out the next slide!
Dumbo Playing Blackjack

I'm not sure if blowing on this elephant's dice gave him any luck, but at least we have this fantastic photo! Notice how everyone around the elephant just takes it for granted that, yes, the elephant is there playing blackjack. Why wouldn't he be? This is for sure an interesting sight to see to put it lightly. Next time you go to a casino, try and imagine what the vibes would be like if an elephant was in there shooting for sevens!
Let's see what else can combine with a casino blackjack table to make for an unforgettable shot...
I Wonder Where They Keep Their Money?

Why, water, of course! In between rounds of Marco Polo and sunbathing, why not try your luck at a swimming pool craps table? The casinos finally aborted this gimmick after dealers and patrons started losing chips and getting the pristine fabric on the tables wet. In hindsight, who was the person who thought of this? Why did the casino heads give this the okay to go into operation? Wouldn't the money get wet? But not even swimming pool craps could have made the subject of our next photo as happy as she is!
FedEx Was Saved By Gambling

Struggling to keep Federal Express afloat in the 1970s, founder Frederick Smith took the last $5,000 he had to Las Vegas. The crazy move worked and Smith cashed out with $27,000. The money paid his company's jet fuel for a week. There is no story about what Smith did to keep the company alive after, but we promise it didn't happen in Vegas. And if it did, it stayed there!
Howard Hughes Strange Ice Cream Addiction

Famous aviator and innovator Howard Hughes made a strange request while staying in Vegas once. Staying at the Desert Inn, Hughes demanded that 200 gallons of banana nut ice cream from Baskin Robbins be flown in. The hotel complied. Days later Hughes changed his mind, saying he would only eat chocolate marshmallow ice cream. For the next year, the Desert Inn gave patrons free ice cream.
Noel Coward Comes To Town

In 1955, Noel Coward made his first ever North American appearance in Las Vegas. During his shows, he entertained the audience with music and stories. In this picture you see him taking full advantage of the bleak Vegas desert. His surrounding brilliantly contrasts his lively personality and dapper suit. The other option is he got lost and decided instead freaking out, it was the perfect moment for a photo shoot!
Another Day, Another Atom Bomb

Here's a frightening picture of an atom bomb being tested in Las Vegas in "Doom Town." Yes, the military called the town in Las Vegas they used for testing, "Doom Town." It's fitting, though, the chance anyone in this house survived is zero. Don't worry, there was no one this house. Structures like this were specifically built for these disturbing tests.
Sammy Davis Jr. Makes Us Swoon

Hey look, it's Sammy Davis Jr. performing in Las Vegas in 1961. The performance was in honor Dean Martin, who was in town celebrating his birthday. Looks like he got the best birthday present ever! Who wouldn't want a musical legend to serenade them on their birthday with a full band? Let's hope Martin gave Davis a good tip for his incredible performance!

Okay, maybe it's not that surprising to see horses in the desert. America was known as the wild west at one point! Still, this awesome image makes Vegas look like it hasn't escaped the west. Sure, this cowboy doesn't have chapps on or pistol strapped to his side, but he does have moxie. And a cowboy hat. And cowboy boots. He might be John Wayne in the flesh! According to our sources, however, his name is H.C. Nickerson and he's from Boston.
Gambling Cowboys

These two are real deal cowboys. Visiting Vegas in 1948 from nearby ranches, they've earned this mini vacation. It's not easy wrangling cattle and fixing fences all day! We assume that's what these modern day cowboys do. No duels in the desert for these two! Unless that part comes after whiskey and gambling...
Old Timey Gambling For The First Time

This picture was taken inside the El Rancho, the first resort hotel on the strip. This couple clearly doesn't know how to gamble. They need to be in front of the machine! The El Rancho opened in 1942. While gambling was alive in well in Vegas before that, it's hard to think there was a time when the strip wasn't filled with hotels, casinos, and bright lights!
The Tragic Ending Of Carole Lombard

Carole Lombard was a popular actress in the 1930s and early 1940s. Sadly she died in a plane crash over the Las Vegas desert in 1942. The photo above, while showing nothing graphic, features soldiers preparing to lower her body down from the wreckage. During her peak, she was the highest paid actress in Hollywood. She married Clark Gable in 1939 and left him a widower upon her death.
Down For The Count

You've already see Muhammed Ali, but here's another picture capturing a classic fight from Vegas' past. This is Sonny Liston walking away after knocking out Leotis Martin. The victory secured the North American Heavyweight Championship for Liston. The victory was seen live by more than 2,000 patrons in the main showroom of the international hotel.
A Very Sinatra Opening Night

What a sight to see the whole Sinatra gang together in 1969. The family showed up in full force for the opening night of Frank Jr's show at Ceasar's Palace. Frank Sr. looks regal next to his daughter Nancy Sinatra. And in between Nancy and Frank Jr. is Nancy Barbato, Frank Sr's first wife. Yep, Nancy Sinatra, like her brother Frank, is a Jr.!
Fisher And Stevens Together At Last

Married in real life, Connie Stevens and Eddie Fisher became the first real-life couple to perform in Vegas at the same time. Here they sit on a patch of grass with their shows being advertised in the background. Taking place in 1969, this little of piece of history one for the ages. These days there aren't a lot of Vegas firsts, so when we find pictures of originals we have to appreciate them!
O.J. Simpson Teaching Football

In 1969, O.J. Simpson was on top of the world. Here we see him in Vegas teaching Ann-Margaret how to throw a football. After this, we assume he went gambling. Of course, the next couple decades would not be good for the NFL Hall of Famer. In the 1990s he was put on trial for murdering his wife, Nicole. A lengthy and well-documented trial followed and he was found innocent.
A Triple Threat

In case you couldn't tell, this is Tom Jones, Priscilla Presley, and Elvis Presley posing together for a legendary picture. Elvis was in town to watch Jones perform. We're told he was cheered loudly for his entertainment brother. Jones and Elvis were often compared to each other for their similar tastes in fashion and performance styles. The real fashion queen is Priscilla, though. We mean, look at that hair!
A Mugshot For The Rest Of Us

Proof that what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas is seen above. Jim Morrison isn't looking too proud being booked by the LVPD here. The lead singer of the doors was picked up in Vegas in 1968. We don't know what trouble he was getting into that January, and we're not sure we want to know! Tragically, Morrison died three years later of a drug overdose.
A Daredevil Ready For Action

Evel Knievel made his name attempting dangerous stunts. In Vegas in 1967, he hopped on his motorcycle and jumped over the fountain at Caesar's Palace. The picture above shows him on his Triumph in full uniform, getting ready for the jump. You can look at the arrows in the background to see just how the jump actually was. We hope he made it!
Elvis Ties The Knot

Elvis Presley was inseparable from Las Vegas. He loved the city so much it's where he marries Priscilla in 1967. The happy couple cuts their wedding cake above. The wedding looks surprisingly traditional from what we can see. Not only did Elvis get married in Sin City, he was the last person we would consider traditional. Unfortunately, the happy marriage was anything but During their six-years together, Elvis cheated on Priscilla constantly and she divorced him.
Debbie Reynolds, Hotel Owner

Before writing this we didn't know Debbie Reynolds owned her own hotel in Las Vegas. She does and this is proof. Here is Debbie Reynolds in 1985 getting crazy dancing down the hall of "Debbie Reynolds Hollywood Hotel." Guests look just as shocked as us that the popular singer and actress also owns real estate. She's not losing money gambling anymore. Don't forget, the house always wins!
Two Big Boppers Sharing A Laugh

Vegas mainstays Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin share a laugh in the picture above. Taken in 1979, Sinatra was in Vegas to receive the Pied Piper award from ASCAP. The award honored Sinatra for his 40-year career. Coincidentally, the day of this photo was Frank's birthday. No better place to forget your 64th birthday than Las Vegas with Dean Martin!