People Who Haven’t Quite Figured Out How To Gym
It takes time to learn how to use gym equipment, develop the proper form, and get those sweet gains. It's about the journey, not the destination. These people are at the beginning of their journeys. I'm sure one day they'll figure out how to be actual gym rats, but for now, they're just out here making us laugh.
Read on to see all the wrong ways to use a treadmill and people who clearly would rather be somewhere else. Stepping foot in the gym might be intimadating, but as long as you don't follow these people, you'll make out just fine.
I Scream, You Scream

So, generally, how the gym works is that people go there to burn off the ice cream they've already eaten — not to eat ice cream. Clearly, this girl didn't get the memo. That, or she's saving time by ingesting and burning calories all at the same time.
Baby steps are better than no steps at all.
I'm Loving It

Now it all makes sense. The girl in the last picture saw this Snapchat, went to what she thought was the gym, and got an ice cream.
Those yellow letters are very convincing with their squiggly appearance and the fact that the go over the sign onto the brick...
Read All About It

Reading is a great exercise for your mind, but not so much for your body. If this guy thinks that reading about deadlifts is going to make him strong, he's in for a rude awakening.
Maybe he should strap that newspaper to a weight plate so at least he has to hold up something heavy. Read on for the wrong way to use an exercise ball.
Disaster in 3... 2...

There is no way that this doesn't end badly. Those weights are for lifting, not for perching on top of. The spotter looks way too relaxed for a guy who is about to watch his friend get crushed by a barbell.
Be responsible gym-goers. Use equipment as it's meant to be used.
Balance Act

What is the deal with people lifting very heavy objects while trying to balance on a less stable object? This is dangerous! That spotter isn't going to be able to do much if the exercise ball slips forward.
Exercise balls are for situps, not for death-defying stunt work.
Asleep On The Job

Yet another misuse of an exercise ball. I don't know what muscles this guy thinks he's working, or what purpose he thinks the weight bench is serving here.
Why do people feel the need to hog not one, but two pieces of equipment? If you're going to sleep at the gym, at least do it on a yoga mat. Read on for people who feel stronger when they cosplay as a strong character.
Upside Down
There is so much wrong with this picture, I don't even know where to start. If we rotated the photo 180 degrees, it might look kind of normal...
This guy looks pretty strong, so maybe this workout plan is working for him. Who am I to judge?
Lounging Around

Must you hog a treadmill if you aren't really using it? One of the girls in this picture knows how to break a sweat.
Maybe the other one already finished working out. Still though, get off the equipment if you're not using it before somebody uses you as an excuse to skip cardio day.
Keep Going Conan
Dress for the job you want, I guess. If you want to be as strong as Conan, you should probably go to the gym dressed like him. Logic checks out.
Also, everyone will be staring at you which means extra pressure to keep those reps coming and that form tight. Read ahead for a man who's turned headbanging into a gym-related activity.
Holy Bench Press, Batman!

Here's another man in costume getting it done at the gym. Maybe seeing yourself as a superhero really does help you perform better.
If you can't bench press like Batman, when can you bench press, really? I bet if he was dressed up as Robin he could only lift half of those plates.
Head Over Heels

Nope nope nope. This is not the way to use a squat rack. Please remove yourself from the equipment.
There are machines designed specifically for this purpose. Go use a leg press! This literally impresses nobody. What's he going to do next? Swing from it? Climb on top of the bar?
Neck Extensions? Neckstensions?

My dude, that strap does not go around your head. I know it's hard to target your neck, but how thick does your neck need to be really?
You looking to bust out of some scarves? Bulge at the collars of your button-down shirts? Pull that rope with your hands and get yourself some triceps. Read on for a girl who's too glam for the gym.
Gym Envy
Who hasn't been in this situation? We've all seen a super buff or extra swole person we'd prefer to look like. Hopefully, most of us control our facial expressions better than this guy.
Maybe this photo will motivate us all to sweat a little bit harder to get those sweet results.
Move Along

Clearly, this treadmill isn't even on, or this woman and her chair would be flung across the room. Could she not have moved her chair just a couple feet back as to avoid becoming the literal definition of irony?
Seriously, she belongs in an Alanis Morissette song.
Wearing Pumps Or Pumping Iron?
High heels and gym equipment don't really mix. Save the heels for weddings and fancy galas. Come to the gym in trainers if you're serious about getting in shape.
Heels tell everyone else at the gym that you're there for the selfies, not for self-improvement. Read ahead for a little girl who is all of us.
Tall People Problems

Imagine needing to work out so desperately that you're willing to bust through the ceiling to fit in a too-small room. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
He might want to take down that next ceiling panel too so he can actually see the machine.
Put Your Weights Away!

I know we lift like beasts at the gym, but we are not animals! We can be considerate human beings and return our weights after we finish using them.
Whoever cleans all this up is going to have sore biceps tomorrow. This photo gives arm day a whole new meaning.
The Struggle Is Real

Somebody get this poor girl a spotter. I kind of love that a bench press playset exists, though. Can you imagine a bunch of little buff kids running around a playground doing chin-ups on the monkey bars?
Gotta start them early. All children of gym rats are just GRIT (gym rats in training).
That's One Way To Do It

This looks both incredibly awkward and kind of fun. I guess when you use the machine this way you can stretch and lift at the same time.
Her flexibility is actually pretty impressive, though. I'm not sure why she's barefoot. Where did her shoes go? Have they fled the scene from pure embarrassment?
Hold On!

I'm not sure who's getting a better workout in this scenario — the people lifting the weights or the women hanging on for dear life. The people in the background are just innocent by-squatters.
I just hope those guys put everything down very carefully, and that everybody lives to lift another day.