Twins Adopted To Different Parents Didn’t Know About Each Other Until Now

Backlash To the Good Morning America Meeting


After the families reunited Gracie and Audrey, identical twins who had been separated at their adoption in China, on Good Morning America, some did not think it was a good idea. There was some social media backlash to the public reuniting. On GMA’s Facebook page, one GMA fan who had watched the show commented, “I’m happy they found each other, but I really wish they would have met in person privately first. It’s an emotional moment and felt like they couldn’t enjoy it as much as they could have because it was so overwhelming in front of everyone.”

Another FB poster wrote “These girls are only children. The loss they suffered from being separated shouldn’t be used as entertainment.”

The New Lives of Reunited Twins Audrey and Daisy


At the end of their Good Morning America interview, the girls were asked what was in their hearts. Both Gracie and Audrey replied together, “Love.” Jennifer Doering told the Journal Sentinel that they still receive occasional media requests, but have been spending their time privately while getting to know the Rainsberrys and letting Audrey get to know her sister, Gracie. The families video chat daily, and the girls now use Snapchat as a way to connect, as well. The families had spent three and a half days together in New York, letting not only Audrey and Gracie getting to know each other but the families. They would now be a part of each other’s lives forever.