Totally Frightening Pictures That You Should Only Look At During the Daytime

Daniela Liverani And The Tale Of Mr. Curly


Daniela Liverani started getting nosebleeds but chalked it up to a motorcycle accident she previously had. She thought that the crash had resulted in a dark blood clot, but it wasn’t until she saw the blood clot moving that she realized it was something alive. It turned out that Daniela was housing a leech that was three inches long. She believes it crawled up her nose when she was backpacking in South East Asia a month ago. She named it Mr. Curly.

Rat King


“Rat King” is a phenomenon that happens when any number of rats “become stuck together with blood, dirt, ice, or feces.” This is both creepy and terrifying. I’ve seen this first-hand while working on helicopters. The rats will crawl in and band together to stay warm. As you can see, it doesn’t work too well.