Totally Frightening Pictures That You Should Only Look At During the Daytime

A Letter From Jack The Ripper


Mr. Lusk, Sir, I send you half the Kidney I took from one woman and preserved it for you. The other piece I fried and ate. It was very nice. I may send you the bloody knife that took it out if you only wait a while longer.

Signed, Catch me when you can Mister Lusk

Two-Headed Alligator


This terrifying two-headed alligator has been seen on the riverbank of Seminole Heights, Florida by numerous people. This happens when monozygotic twins fail to separate properly. Some people are skeptic about the authenticity of this picture, but professionals such as Dr. Frank Mazzotti (“croc doc”) of the University of Florida say that it is not impossible for this to happen, though when it does, the animal rarely lives to see adulthood.