Totally Frightening Pictures That You Should Only Look At During the Daytime

Bird Girl


No one knew what was bothering seven-month-old Mya Whittington. Her discomfort stumped her parents and doctors. She was finally hospitalized – and a two-inch feather eventually poked its way out of her neck, shocking everyone. Doctors thought she had a staph infection of her lymph nodes. But when they tried to drain the bump, nothing came out. Hours later, Aaron Whittington and his wife Emma noticed what appeared to be a “half-inch string” protruding from Mya’s face. “The pediatrician threw on gloves and she pulled out a two-inch feather and she’s like, ‘It’s a feather.’ And we’re like, ‘What do you mean it’s a feather?’ And she showed us,” Whittington said, still in disbelief.