Totally Frightening Pictures That You Should Only Look At During the Daytime

Botfly Hell


The botfly is possibly the nastiest, most terrifying bug on the planet. Anything that can burrow into you, use you for nourishment, incubate, and push its way out of you is disgusting. I’d rather get sucked dry by a lamprey eel. These things love them some livestock, but they sometimes find their way to a human host too. The botfly is not a picky eater. My skin is crawling right now!

Hairy Frog


I know Southerners love them legs but I find most frogs to be creepy. Including the hairy frog. This species of frog has retractable “claws” which are actually made of bone and not keratin. The sharp claws project through the skin, apparently by intentionally breaking the bones of the toe. They passively retract while the skin regenerates. This species of frog is also called The Wolverine Frog.