These Pictures Are About As Terrifying As A Puppy In A Dandelion Field, Yet, The Scaredy Cats Can’t Handle It
In a world of Chuckie, Paranormal Activity and whoever that guy from Slap Chop is, there are some legitimate reasons to be scared. While every day it seems like something tragic is happening around the world it's easy to get jumpy and afraid. But, that doesn't mean EVERYTHING has to be scary.
Some people are just born scaredy cats, while others, unfortunately, grow into it. I am one of those scaredy cats that find basically everything horrifying. If these pictures make you uneasy, sorry to tell you, you're one too.
Arachnophobia Is Real

Being deathly afraid of spiders is very common. You could probably debate that it IS the most common phobia, so it's kind of funny that hairclips kind of look like them.
It's easy to see why people are afraid of spiders even though 99.9% of the time they are harmless because just the thought of their legs touching human skin gives me the heebeegeebees.
Ruining Every Johns' Day
There's never been more sweating, panting, and frantic Johns in one area before. Every John that drives by this will think it's about them.
Rumor has it that three Johns just disappeared from their homes that night in fear of what was to come of this sign.
Be-Grudging A Family Member After This

This is literally the little girl from The Grudge in clothing form. There's no way I'm able to sleep if this is staring me in the face.
The scene of this girl crawling through the TV in the movie The Grudge is something that has been engraved in my soul. No thank you, mom.
Mr. Bean Is ALWAYS Scary
There is nothing comforting about looking at Mr. Bean's face. If there was a face that could perfectly describe the word "moist", that would be Mr. Bean.
He looks like the uncle that you're mildly afraid of because he gives off really creepy vibes, but you have to tolerate him because he's family.
"Car Hands Take The Wheeeeeel, Take It From My Hands"
Could you imagine walking past a car and seeing this? There would be no hesitation, I would be out of the country taking the next red-eye to Madagascar.
There's a lot of things I can deal with, but car seats that have engulfed Frankenstein and are using his arms to steer are certainly not one of them.
Pearly Whites
Oh heck no. This isn't happening. Dogs with better smiles than humans should not exist and I'm glad (for the most part) they don't.
Dogs should have teeth that are decaying and aesthetically unpleasing. They already get to have the best life ever. Eat, sleep, chew furniture and repeat.
"No Soliciting"
There are only a few proven ways to ensure that you won't have to talk to your annoying neighbors. One of them is to just never come out of your room or install cameras outside of their door so you never have to run into them.
The second one is to put an exorcism-style ghost in your window that makes your place the least desired. Either or.
A Serious Increase In Swerves Per Capita
This little girl looks like she's about to tell her parents that she just got a C on her last test and is waiting to see if her parents are going to chase her down or not.
She's not taking any chances so she's one foot out the door in case all hell breaks loose.
The Sun Does Some Weird Things, Man

Wow, this is a tanning fail if I've ever seen one. You know what else is a tanning fail? Not putting on sunscreen. You know why? Because your literally singeing your skin otherwise.
No, that SPF 2 isn't going to cut it when you're out on the beach for an entire day. You need to reapply SPF 30 every two hours. Okay, I'm done being a mother.
Let's Go To The Park And Just Be Chill

Everyone has that group of friends who just understand you. When you say let's go for a walk in the forest, they know you mean — "let's get dressed up in our smurf outfits and go into the forest."
There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, they're just expressing their inner creativity. I guess?
This Is Just Cruel
There's a special place in hell for people who drive cars that either looks like undercover cop cars or just cop cars in general.
We all know that the roads become insanely slower when a cop is nearby and people start actually driving with two hands. I will say it's a clever name, though.
Patient Zero

It's funny because unless you're a crazy person, you probably are afraid of the dentist. But, in a weird turn of events, I think it's safe to say that they're also afraid of us.
When you look like this, I don't care who you are, this is terrifying. If there's an ideal look for "Patient Zero" it's probably this.
Uh, Grandma?

When you walk in and see your grandma laying on the bed like this, your brain immediately goes to dark places.
The Pope would've walked into this room and started preparing for a funeral, so don't feel bad about your visceral reaction.
"Puggles, I Am Your Father"
If there was a pug version of the moment in Star Wars when Luke found out that Anakin was his actually his father, this would be it.
This is the face pugs make when you ask them if they want to go for a walk in the cold weather. It's a hard pass.
We've Been Expecting You

This mom walked into her six-year-olds room and saw this, which is awfully scary. This is the first sign of her kid turning on her.
He's recruiting a stuffed animal army that he's waiting to deploy on her and this is just a small glimpse of what's to come. Nothing is going to get in the way of him and his desire to re-purchase the Disney channel on their basic cable.
"Is Headless Connor Here Today?"

Imagine having your buddy Connor sitting in front of you looking all normal and stuff and then you look back up and he's headless?
Do you call 911? No. You ride it out until the teacher sees him because being headless will guarantee him at least two days off from school without having to provide a doctor's note.
At Best, It's Confusing

People have gone absolutely crazy with their bumper stickers. The once outrageous "Honk If You're Horny" sticker has become all too mainstream.
People have now taken to posting threats like this one. In my opinion, though, the worst stickers are still the stick figure families people put in their windows. Stop.
Pants Off Party

The Hangover is one of the most iconic comedies of the 21 century. The tale of a few guys doing stupid stuff in Vegas is great and all as a movie, but I wouldn't want it in my living room.
Imagine finding a drunk Zach Galifianakis with no pants on in your house? I can't tell if that the best case scenario, or the worst.
Getting Some Much Needed Fresh Air

This is a great way to scare your overprotective grandparents while you're on vacation.
We all have, or know GPs that get nervous when their grandchildren are even near a window. This prank would give them something to worry about, I guess. So if you're a bad-hearted person, go for it.
I Don't Know What's Worse...
What would be worse, having a giant dead spider the size of a car on your street or having a spider so close to your face that it looks like it's the size of a car?
It's fair to say that a giant spider would not be ideal, but part of the evil of a spider is that they're small and can fit anywhere (like in your earlobe).