These Heartwarming Photos Will Make You Feel Good Again

A Happy New Start

This little boy’s name is Michael Brown, and he was recently adopted after being in foster care for several years. His new adoptive sister, Dezhianna Brown, posted his photos on Twitter and they almost immediately went viral. His new family’s last name is also Brown, so Dezhianna said they knew it was meant to be.


Now, after the story took off Michael has even been interviewed by their local news stations in Arizona. This beautiful story went viral right before Christmas. It’s always wonderful to see such a heartwarming story just in time for the holiday season! Congrats Michael!

Australian Dog Saver

In Melbourne, Australia the little Maltese dog Bibi was blown off of the pier by super strong winds. Her horrified owner Sue Drummond stood by helplessly. Suddenly a stranger stripped down to his underwear and jumped into the water below.


The man’s name was Raden Soemawinata and he was on the pier with his family in order to scatter his grandmother’s ashes. Remarkably, he was able to save Bibi and give her back to her owner. This amazing photo was captured by a nearby photographer at the moment he handed the thankful doggie off to her even more grateful owner. An amazing photo with an even more amazing back story!