These Heartwarming Photos Will Make You Feel Good Again

Homeless Dog

Here is yet another one from the animal files. There is something special about seeing someone take such good care of animal as though they were truly a member of their family. That sentiment most certainly resonates with this image of a homeless man and his pet dog.


The man makes sure to keep the dog under his blanket as well so they both stay warm. The way the dog lays his head on his owner’s chest is almost the way a child does to a parent. This is truly such a beautiful bond between man and his best friend.

Baby Miracle

This amazing photo was taken on a Miami Freeway as a woman named Pamela Roseau performed CPR on her baby nephew after he stopped breathing. Thankfully, the young baby named Sebastian, is okay. It was discovered that he had cysts in his trachea but they were removed.


Pamela was later honored by the Red Cross. Sebastian’s parents also said that he had to be born early after his other noticed he had stopped moving in her womb. She said, “They did a C-section, and thank God he was born all right,” she said. “I believe he is destined for something great because he has been given back to me twice.” What an amazing story!