These Heartwarming Photos Will Make You Feel Good Again

Dog and Goat

Often dogs are used as work animals to herd other animals like goats or sheep. Clearly, this particular dog has made a friend and doesn’t think of this goat as merely part of the herd. It’s always beautiful to see two species who typically don’t get in a long in such a loving interaction.


These in particular even seem like they are actually hugging! While in seems like there have been other dog and goat friendships in the world this photo is especially amazing because both animals are looking straight at the camera, almost as if they are striking a pose. Don’t you wish you had pets like these?

To The Girl Who Shared The Siege

This is another remarkable photo to come out of Syria. The writing on the wall behind the couple says: To the girl who share the siege with me: I love you. The man in the photo wrote the words on the wall, before the two departed the city. Salih and Marwa spoke to Buzzfeed News. Salih is a filmmaker who stayed in the city to document and Marwa works with traumatized children.


Marwa said “We want to remember [the city].” And of the people who caused their message to go viral, “They’re very kind to [share] my message to the world.” Marwa refused to leave Salih behind even when she had the chance, because of her love for him. Salih said, “Tell the world, we are still human, not monsters, we feel and love.”