These Heartwarming Photos Will Make You Feel Good Again

Syrian Siblings In Rubble

This heartbreaking photograph was taken relatively recently in the aftermath of one of the bombings in Syria. An older Syrian sibling was thankfully able to find his sister still alive after digging in the rubble. The way he clings to her in sheer gratitude, and how the young baby clings back to him in the same way is truly moving.


It’s important to remember the atrocities that have taken place against others in other places in the world, when we are all simply human beings trying to live. Hopefully those affected by wars, especially the children, will one day soon have peace.

Firefighter Saves Koala

Here’s another entry from the interspecies kindness. Fireman David Tree was photographed giving Sam the koala a drink of water after rescuing her from bush fires that swept through the Australian Outback. The fire was horrific and killed two hundred people. The koala Sam immediately went viral, and served as a symbol of hope for the Australian people. There is even still a video on YouTube of the heartwarming encounter.


Sadly, Sam the koala later passed away from an unrelated disease and the Prime Minister at the time even issued a statement. He said, “The symbol of hope for so many people around the world was the great picture of that wonderful koala being fed water by one of our firefighters. I think that gave the people of the world a great sense of hope that this country, Australia, could come through those fires, as we have. Sam the Koala was part of the symbolism of that, and it’s tragic that Sam the koala is no longer with us.”