These Heartwarming Photos Will Make You Feel Good Again

Cop and Refugee

Speaking of refugees, this Danish police officer was photographed playing with a little girl who happens to be a Serbian refugee. According to the Huffington Post the heartwarming photograph was taken near a German Danish border, and the officer played a game of “guess what hand”.


The officer took his wedding ring and hid it one hand and had the girl guess which hand he had the ring. Such an innocent game when the girl has likely been through so much in her young years. It is also nice to see a positive reaction to refugees in the media, when so often people have expressed a more negative outlook.

Cop and Suicidal Man

Officer Kevin Briggs was photographed attempting to persuade Kevin Berthia to climb off the Golden Gate Bridge in 2005. Thankfully, after one hour of discussion the officer was able to talk him out of committing suicide.


Flash-forward to eight years in the future and Kevin Berthia was able to present Officer Briggs with an award for what he has done as a member of the officers referred to as the “guardians of The Golden Gate Bridge”, as many individuals have gone there with the intention of killing themselves. Kevin is now married with two children and he was able to tell Officer Briggs how thankful he was for the intervention. At the awards ceremony Kevin said, “I didn’t want him to try and stop me but now I’m glad he did. All I can say is that I am truly grateful. You gave me an opportunity to live.”