These Heartwarming Photos Will Make You Feel Good Again

Hurricane Helpfulness

After the horrific damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, many on the East Coast were stuck without basic things like electricity. The hurricane was said to have caused the second most monetary damage in the history of the United States. It was so devastating, that the name Sandy was retired by the World Meteorological Organization, and will never be used again for a North Atlantic hurricane.


This photo was taken after a generous shop owner set up power strips so people could start charging their phones free of charge. Many people could not let family know they were okay before this, so surely their actions were much appreciated by others. Acts of kindness, no matter how small are always amazing to see!

A Giving Bride and Groom

According to this photo set floating around the internet this Turkish bride and groom spent their wedding day serving food to refugees. They certainly seem to be dressed in their Sunday best, so to speak. What an amazing idea! On a day that is typically so self-involved, to instead give back to strangers who need it most.


There is an ongoing refugee cries throughout the world and quite often the rest of us who remain unaffected turn a blind eye. It truly speaks volumes about the character of the man and woman who decided to spend what would have been “their day” doing for others. Hopefully these two will have a beautiful marriage and live happily ever after!