The Tragic Case Of Caylee Anthony’s Murder

The Roy Kronk Lawsuit

All of the lies that Casey Anthony told were also not forgotten. Soon, they came back to bite her. In the fall-out from the murder trial, after Casey Anthony was found “not guilty, she became fast-fodder for lawsuits.

Casey Anthony’s lies were finally coming back to bite her in more ways than one.

More on the lawsuits against her…

Roy Kronk, in particular, had good cause to launch a suit for damages against her. He was the meter reader who discovered the body of Caylee Anthony. He repeatedly reported seeing a “suspicious object” in 2008 and even said that he saw a “gray bag” with what appeared to be a “human skull” inside. Anthony’s defense team had attempted to discount his reports by calling him a “child snatcher” and saying that he was “morally bankrupt.” For those very personal attacks, he sued Casey Anthony for defamation. Essentially, her defense team attempted to make it seem as though Roy was possibly the one who killed Caylee.

Roy Kronk filed lawsuits against Anthony