The Mystery Of Caylee Anthony’s Murder & What Happened To Her Mother Casey

Chilling Google Search Results


While investigating the case, officials released 700 pages of documents that included Google searches on a computer that was accessible by Casey Anthony. Google records showed search terms such as “neck breaking” and “how to make chloroform.” In addition, several photos were entered into evidence, including one found on the computer of Casey’s ex-boyfriend Ricardo Morales. The photo showed a poster with the caption “Win her over with Chloroform.” The colorless, sweet-tasting substance can be used to anesthetize, make unconscious, or kill a living thing. A simple search of the liquid shows how to make it on YouTube.

Casey’s Motive For Murder

In their opening statement, the prosecutors claimed Casey murdered her child by using chloroform to make her unconscious. In their point of view, Casey put duct tape over Caylee’s nose and mouth to suffocate her before putting the body in the trunk of her car. She was left in the vehicle for several days before being removed. As for motive, prosecutors portrayed Casey as a party girl who felt tied down by her toddler and wanted to escape being a mother. She didn’t want to take on parental responsibilities so she did the only thing she could; she made her little girl disappear.