The Mysterious Case Of Two Oklahoma Girls, Missing Since 1999

On The Hunt

After investigators searched around the ashes and rubble for some time, they eventually found Kathy Freeman, the mother. Of course, she had been burnt pretty badly, almost beyond recognition but that is when the police realized she was shot as well. They immediately thought husband Danny Freeman killed the wife and kidnapped the girls.


A look at what Kathy looked like.

More details…

Did the husband really do this? Was he evil enough to pull this off? The murder of his wife, kidnapping of his daughter and her best friend, and burning down his own home? There is no telling what anyone is capable of but if they are pushed to their limits you can cancel Christmas. Perhaps he wanted the life insurance but if that were the case, once he tried to claim it, he would be caught at that point. So the question of motive is up in the air but he was a suspect after not being found.

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The small town seemed an unlikely place for such a thing to happen.