The Mysterious Case Of Two Oklahoma Girls, Missing Since 1999

Where It All Went Down

The Freeman’s lived in a trailer found outside of Welch city limits located about a half-mile down a dirt driveway. The night it all happened, it was reported that the house was only barely visible thanks to the chilly haze that flooded the air and the weak beams of light coming from the light poles.


A far shot of the trailer home.

More details…

When you live this far off from others, it makes you a bit more suspectable to situations like this. Of course, that is not the reason for all of this to happen to them but it factors in some, to say the least. A target on an island is easier to hit than a target shrouded by others. This was also probably factored into the whole ordeal. There are just so many questions that need to be answered but as more and more is revealed, you can see little things that help you get a better grip on what’s happening.

Lauria Bible in her cheer outfit.