The Mysterious Case Of Two Oklahoma Girls, Missing Since 1999

The Sleepover

The duo of Lauria Bible and Ashley Freeman had been hanging out with friends earlier in the day before heading back to the mobile home with Freeman’s boyfriend, Jeremy. Then he left around 9:30 P.M. and the girls were joyed to finally have some girl time together.


The two smiling for a picture.

More details…

A harmless sleepover transformed into something out of a horror story. If you think about it, whoever did this must have known it was one of the girl’s birthday. The murderer got a two for one special by kidnapping the girls as well and chances are that is what he wanted so he waited until he knew that they would be together. So based off of that, one can assume that the culprit is close to the Freeman and Bibles. That is just one speculation based on the information provided so far.

The two girls.