The Mysterious Case Of Two Oklahoma Girls, Missing Since 1999

These Are The Confessions

A man by the name of Jeremy Jones who was a serial murderer currently on death row stepped forward and claimed to have killed the girls. There were even arrest records that showed him getting arrested not too far from the residence at four in the morning on Dec. 30, 1999.


Jeremy Jones mugshot.

More details…

This confession made it look like the case had been solved and even though the result is two dead girls, at least the Bibles can rest easier knowing the certain truth of the girls. But it makes you scratch your head why this man would come forward and admit to doing this. What gain did he have from confessing this crime? Did he want more street credit when he was locked up? Or did someone order that he admits to the killings? Whatever the case may be, it still just seems odd he would step forward.


A sketch of what he looks like.