The Mysterious Case Of Two Oklahoma Girls, Missing Since 1999

Dec. 30, 1999 The Girls Go Missing

Important Facts: It happened over a decade ago. Two parents were killed and two girls went missing. Ashley Freeman and her best friend Lauria Bible were announced missing after the house of Freeman was burned down during a sleepover the two were having for Freeman’s 16th birthday. Lorene Bible (Lauria’s mother) is determined to find answers and she calls it “stirring the pot”.

A picture of the girls having a good time.

More details…

Imagine how the mother and father must feel the day after this happened. They thought their daughter was just having a sleepover but she ends up missing. That is probably one of the many nightmares a parent never wants to experience. So what does Lorene Bible do? She stirs the pot, a phrase she started using to ensure that people stay in the know about this case and that the cops continue to help. What exactly is stirring the pot? It could be a myriad of things and we will surely talk more about it.

The media urged people to contact the FBI with information.