The Amazing Citizens Who Received Medals Of Freedom!

Margaret Hamilton

A pioneer of sorts, Margaret Hamilton helped one of the most epic landings in American history come to fruition. She is a pioneer because her field of interest was not even a field back when she was doing it so that means no textbooks.

Margaret H. Hamilton.jpg

“Three minutes before Armstrong and Aldrin touched down on the moon, Apollo 11’s lunar lander alarms triggered — red and yellow lights across the board. Our astronauts didn’t have much time,” Obama announced. “But thankfully, they had Margaret Hamilton. A young MIT scientist — and a working mom in the ‘60s — Margaret led the team that created the onboard flight software that allowed the Eagle to land safely.”

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

He invented the sky hook and leads the NBA in most points scored in a career, a record that has been held since he retired decades ago. Similar to Jordan, he was honored not only because he was a great basketball player but for more.


“The reason we honor Kareem is more than just a pair of goggles and the skyhook,” Obama jokingly said. “He stood up for his Muslim faith when it wasn’t easy and it wasn’t popular. He’s as comfortable sparring with Bruce Lee as he is writing with extraordinary eloquence about patriotism. Physically, intellectually, spiritually — Kareem is one-of-a-kind — an American who illuminates both our most basic freedoms and our highest aspirations.”