The Amazing Citizens Who Received Medals Of Freedom!

Melinda Gates and Bill Gates

America’s favorite tech guy, Bill, and brilliant philanthropist Melinda both received medals and it is not because of the invention of Microsoft because if it were, Paul Allen would be there too. It is because of the charitable work and things they do outside of Microsoft. That computer stuff is just a plus.


“Few people have had the profound global impact of Bill and Melinda Gates,” said Obama. “Through their work at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they’ve demonstrated how the most capable and fortunate among us have a responsibility to use their talents and resources to tackle the world’s greatest challenges.”

Newton Minow

He called television a vast wasteland in a speech that’s over 50 years old and people still reference it. The American attorney still maintains a law practice even at the age of 91. The democrat is very influential and Obama noticed that.

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“As a soldier, counsel to the Governor of Illinois, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, and law clerk to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Newton Minow’s career has been defined by his devotion to others,” said Obama. “Deeply committed to his family, the law, and the American people, his dedication to serving and empowering the public is reflected.”