The Amazing Citizens Who Received Medals Of Freedom!

Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen is the definition of music royalty. The messages he pushes out in his songs are always thought provoking, but the poetic lyricist makes songs that everyone can relate to. He gets you with his lyrics about the struggles in American life and people can grasp on to that.

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“Bruce Springsteen has brought us all along on a journey consumed with the bargains between ambition and injustice, and pleasure and pain; the simple glories and scattered heartbreak of everyday life in America,” said Obama. That is something all good artists should strive for. Not just be in it for the money but to spread a message the masses need to hear.

It’s Forest…Er, Tom Hanks!

Another actor to snag a medal is Tom Hanks. The man who taught you the saying, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” Hanks’ roles have all helped us grow at least an inch in becoming a better human being. A life lesson is usually learned by the time you leave the theater.


“Throughout a distinguished film career, Tom Hanks has revealed the character of America, as well as his own,” Obama announced. “Portraying war heroes, an astronaut, a ship captain, a cartoon cowboy, a young man growing up too fast, and dozens of others, he’s allowed us to see ourselves — not only as we are, but as we aspire to be.”