Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Inside the Construction of Holmes’ Murder Castle

We may know Holmes’ hotel as the Murder Castle, but in 1893, it was known as the World’s Fair Hotel. The three-story, block-long building was designed as lodging for people visiting the Chicago World’s Fair (also known as the World’s Columbian Exposition). The Chicago World’s Fair was supposed to commemorate the 400th year anniversary of Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas.

Floor plans of Holmes hotel

So it is somehow fitting that originally Holmes hotel would be tied to Christopher Columbus who was also known to enslave and kill many indigenous people during his time in America. In order to build a proper Murder Castle, Holmes had to make sure it was constructed a very specific way. This is why he constantly replaced workers while it was under construction. He claimed that their work wasn’t good enough, but the truth was that he switched people in and out so no one was around long enough to catch onto his terrifying plan and the reasoning his hotel was constructed the way it was.

The Chicago World’s Fair