Most Terrifying Things About America’s First Serial Killer

Holmes Finally Gets Caught

With the absolutely insane way the World’s Fair Hotel was built, you’d think it would take a police officer all but 30 seconds of inspecting the lobby to realize it was a murder house. Even with all of the disappearances during the World’s Fair, Holmes didn’t get caught because of his Murder Castle.


Also, it’s fair to remember that back a long time ago, investigators did not have access to the best and most accurate scientific tests available as police do in this day and age. After the World’s Fair ended, Holmes again fled to another place in order to cover his tracks. Holmes left Chicago for Boston to cover his tracks. He ended up performing another insurance scheme, which was the one that would bring him down. The scheme involved the murder of a business partner and friend named Benjamin Pitezel and three of his five kids. Holmes was arrested in Boston in 1874.