Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Fear for Elizabeth’s Safety

Although Tad Cummins was already being investigated for kissing Elizabeth in his classroom, he had not yet been fired from the school. Unsurprisingly, the day after he actually disappeared with Elizabeth, he was fired. One extremely terrifying detail about the situation is that police believed Tad Cummins was in the possession of two handguns.

The nation certainly was doing it’s best to return the young girl to her family.

More details…

Because of this, authorities were extremely concerned for Elizabeth’s safety and believed that it was likely she was in imminent danger. Police told the public that they believed Elizabeth’s life to be in danger and asked for anyone to come forward should they know or see something. Elizabeth was thought to have been groomed and severely manipulated which led to her agreeing to depart with Tad. Often in kidnapping cases, victims develop the condition Stockholm Syndrome where they identify with their captor. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation certainly agreed, spokesman Josh DeVine explained, “She may not realize that she’s a victim, but she is certainly a victim. She needs help, she needs our best efforts and she needs the attention of this country to be on the lookout for her.”

Confused and manipulated, the public hoped she would make it out alive