Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Online Search for “Teen Marriage”

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation later revealed that Tad Cummins used the internet to search various problematic terms like “teen marriage” prior to abducting the teenage girl student. Investigators quickly discovered information that showed Tad Cummins searched for information regarding teen marriage on March 5.

Although Elizabeth went willingly, she was still a child who was not able to consent

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Another search of note, was distinctive features his Nissan Rogue that would aid police in tracking his vehicle and thus thwart his attempt at running away with the young girl. On March 13th an Amber Alert was issued. Within one week, the bureau had received over 650 leads into the kidnapping and disappearance. Oddly, out of all of the tips, there was not one credible sighting. Authorities began to believe that Tad had taken Elizabeth across state lines far away from Tennessee. The most terrifying aspect of this entire debacle was the fact that the two went missing. So often when cases like this hit the news, they don’t have a happy ending. Sometimes, the adult in the situation has more sinister plans for where they might end up.

They crossed state line after state line