Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

A Father’s Intuition

Elizabeth’s father, Anthony Thomas, spoke to People Magazine about the relationship his daughter had with Tad. He said, that Tad Cummins “built up a system where she was dependent on him.” Apparently, in addition to being her teacher, Tad also helped Elizabeth with her homework after class.

Elizabeth’s father speaks out

More details:

While this seems like he was just being a good teacher, that was simply not the case. He also began to do things that are more often connected to predatorial behavior. Tad Cummins even gave Elizabeth money and bought her a microwave so she could heat up food in his classroom. Her father also said that Tad had apparently tried to “get her out of trouble,” noted Anthony. It’s clear that doing things such as purchasing a microwave for Elizabeth’s use, that he kept in his classroom wasn’t done out of the kindness of his heart but rather was simply a manipulation tactic. Elizabeth’s father wasn’t notified about the kissing allegations until the police contacted them. He said he confronted his daughter but she denied the incident took place.

Manipulation started while she was at school