Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Bullied and Vulnerable

Elizabeth was the perfect victim for Tad Cummins. Apparently, Elizabeth felt connected to him because he was the health sciences teacher and Elizabeth was interested in going into the medical field. Tad acted as a kind of mentor to her.

Tad took advantage of Elizabeth’s fragile state of mind

More details:

Elizabeth’s sister Sarah, speculated on why her sister began to grow close to Tad. She said, “It just so happened that she wanted to do the things he was claiming [he did], so she probably idolized [him].” In addition to Elizabeth forming an idolization over Tad Cummins, she also happened to be at an extremely vulnerable point in her life. It was her first year at Culleoka Unit High School and one of her first years ever in a public school. Elizabeth had previously been homeschooled for her whole school career until the 8th grade. Her first year in the public school system she encountered bullying which certainly didn’t make it easier for her. Elizabeth was also having problems at home. The combination of problems seemed to be the perfect storm of problems.

He chose her at a vulnerable point in time