Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

An Emotional Farewell

Luckily, when the two were finally discovered there was no violence or mayhem. Instead, it was a rather peaceful encounter albeit emotional. Particularly, for Elizabeth. However, the young girl had been through so much at this point, what other response could she have?

She was concerned about leaving his side.

More details…

When it was time for the two to separate and Cummins to be placed under arrest, things got emotional according to Sheriff Jon Lopez. The two seemed attached to each other which could reinforce our earlier conclusion about Stockholm Syndrome. “They seemed to comfort each other,” said Lopez. “She got emotional with crying and he attempted to comfort her and then when we had to take her away, it seemed to be somewhat emotionally difficult for her.” Something seems to be off about the attachment between these two.

Cummins caught on video camera during the hunt