Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Cabin Daze…

After her miraculous return, more and more information began to be shared with the media about the harrowing experience. Particularly more information about the days Elizabeth was in the cabin. A man by the name of Griffin Barry who operated the cabin shared a story about an encounter.

Elizabeth looks like a normal fifteen-year-old girl, not twenty-four

More details…

Griffin spoke to the news and said, “One time I had given him food that night and she was like, ‘Thank you.'” He continued, “She got excited over some food.” This certainly would have been a big sign that something was amiss with the supposed couple. Griffin Barry also said that Cummins passed off the two as a couple and said that Elizabeth was really twenty-four years old. She also kept her mouth closed a lot and only whispered to Cummins while he did all the talking.

The cabin where they were found