Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Details About the Missing Days

Elizabeth was missing for thirty-eight long days. At the time, the entire nation seemed to be watching the news for any given updates on the situation. Many people had already resigned themselves to thinking the young girl had met an unfortunate fate.

The cabin was dire, to say the least.

More details…

However, amazingly, after those thirty-eight days – Elizabeth reemerged relatively healthy. Soon, details began to come out about the entire debacle. One such detail was that she and Cummins ended up at a cabin in Northern California. They first spent some time in Berkeley before going to this survival cabin. The cabin only had four walls, without electricity and running water. They had to eat wildflowers at times. Unfortunately, that led to a tremendous weight loss in the young teenage girl. This could be part of the reason Cummins was glad for the hunt to be over because of the poor conditions the two were in not having food to eat all the time.

Elizabeth lost weight while on the run