Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Attempting to Halt the Bullying

Before Elizabeth’s horrible situation, she also faced bullying during the first year at her public school. As if her home life wasn’t already bad enough. Elizabeth’s sister would try and make attempts at getting the bullying to end but it was to no success.

It’s clear that Elizabeth was in a completely lost and vulnerable place.

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Sarah, the sister said that Elizabeth would ask for assistance in helping with stopping the bullying. “She would always say for me to make them stop, and I tried,” said Sarah. “I’d bring them to the office and they didn’t do anything. I can only do so much.” Sadly, it seems like the school needed to implement more stringent bullying policies. If Elizabeth had been a bit happier at school perhaps she would not have sought solace in a man who ended up stealing her innocence in more ways than one.

She was often bullied at school