Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Sister Opened Up

The entire community was completely shocked that such a situation could happen in their own town. Especially as it began to be tracked by the nationwide news. It was certainly a tough time for the community involved and especially the family members.

It also sounds like he knew exactly what he was going with his plan to reel her in.

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Sarah Thomas also offered up a few pieces of information during the time of uncertainty that seemed to shed more light on how things went south. Sarah recounted how many of the kids seemed to flock to Tad Cummin’s classroom. He certainly seemed to be popular with the teenagers, which in hindsight is terrifying, to say the least. “We went to his classroom a whole bunch because that’s where the other kids went and my sister, and she is my best friend, so I went with her,” Sarah said. Going to be with him often certainly built up a trust factor between the two.

Elizabeth’s sister, Sarah Thomas