Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Cummins Always a Liar?

While the outside story seems to offer little explanation for Tad Cummin’s behavior, there may be some back story that helps explain some of his behavior. Sure, there are people who are composed most of their life and just snap out of nowhere.

Tad and Elizabeth in his classroom


It’s far more likely for people to show sign of their steady decline or instability. With Tad, it seems as though some people did notice some inconsistencies about him as a person, yet no one thought he would actually do something dangerous. Elizabeth’s sister, Sarah, said she would hear Cummins talk about being in various government factions including the FBI, CIA and the Secret Service. “He was a weirdo,” she said. These lies certainly seem as though they were an indication about what truly lied beneath.

Often, people who make up such bizarre lies are certainly hiding something about their true nature and with Tad that certainly turned out to be the real truth.