Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Glad to Be Over

While Elizabeth was certainly reeling from the terrible situation in which she had been placed, there was one individual who seemed relatively unbothered. Tad Cummins had an interesting state of mind about the whole thing when it was over. He was either relieved or simply crazy.

Sadly, this was not only him that it affected but also his entire family

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Tad apparently told authorities that he was happy the chase was finally over once he got caught. The real kicker, however, is that he has the possibility to be in prison for a very long time. So, either Tad felt a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders because he couldn’t take the pressure of the manhunt or he lost his mind. However, it seems to be more likely that Tad knew what he was doing was wrong, yet he chose to do it anyway.

The chase took them all over the country