Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

The First Inappropriate Encounter

Young Elizabeth and teacher Tad Cummins first met at the high school she was attending. When the two had their first encounter, it was already inappropriate. The encounter was later recounted by Elizabeth’s older sister Sarah Thomas. Sarah discussed Elizabeth and Tad’s first time interacting which took place at the very beginning of that school year.

Elizabeth was about to be manipulated in one of the worse ways possible.

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Sarah was present for the encounter and noted that Tad touched both she and her sister in uncomfortable and inappropriate ways. He apparently rubbed their shoulders and also ran his hand down their backs. Sarah recounted that Elizabeth looked at her as though she thought Tad was quite creepy for interacting them in this way. Parents send their children to school with confidence in the thought that their child will be cared for while away from home.

Tad Cumming’s family was devastated he did this