Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Trying to “Keep Things Positive”

Often victims of such crimes and their families have a hard time coping with the fallout of such a situation. It’s certainly difficult for Elizabeth’s family to see how much the teen has changed. Her father told ABC News, “What we want to see when we look at her is the child we knew.

The family has sought the help of professionals while they attempt to heal

More of what her father said…

Elizabeth’s father continued, “She may not be exactly … the person she was, because there’s a lot of experiences she’s had.” He added that the family is just trying to “keep things positive.” “I go in there and tell her how much I missed her, how much I love her and how much her dog missed her,” he said. “I’m not allowed to ask her about things that happened along the way right now.” But there may be one good reason why Elizabeth ran away with her teacher.

Her family tried to stay positive through Elizabeth’s changes in behavior