Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Elizabeth’s Unusual Behavior

While the Thomas family was lucky there story ended happily, it doesn’t mean there are not some challenges to be met. Tad Cummins has been accused of brainwashing Elizabeth, which is likely to affect her detrimentally for some time. After she was rescued from the clutches of her teacher kidnapper, her behavior was very strange.

“She didn’t act like a rescued person would act”

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When Elizabeth was first removed from being around Tad she acted very stoically, according to investigators. It didn’t appear that she wanted to return home, and her behavior was very troubling to her family. Her father Anthony said, “She didn’t act like a rescued person would act.” Anthony later spoke to CNN’s Primetime Justice saying, “She didn’t look like herself at all. She looked like she was very worn out — very thin and very jittery. That really wasn’t her. She’s actually somebody that’s more sure of herself and usually all smiles. She was the life of the party.”

Elizabeth wasn’t acting the same when she was rescued