Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

A Plea on National Television

In addition to the authorities appeals to the public, Tad’s wife also took part in the call to bring Elizabeth home. After the kidnapping, Jill Cummins appeared on national television saying, “Let me speak directly to my husband. Tad, this is not you. This is not who you are. We can help you get through this.”

Sadly, his choice led not only to his own undoing, but that of his family as well.

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The betrayed wife certainly tried her best to get her husband to return home and bring Elizabeth back to her family. She added, “No matter how far you’ve gone or what’s happening right now, God’s grace is sufficient for you and He wants you to come home. Your family wants their Papi back. Please do the right thing, and turn yourself into the police and bring Beth home.” While Jill was certainly hurting inside for not only herself but the grown children she shared with Tad and their grandchildren. It’s almost astounding how very little Tad thought about people other than himself.

She pleaded for him to return Elizabeth safely