Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Cummins’ Wife Was Fond of the Teen

In Tad Cummins full Twitter and Instagram description he described himself as “Jesus freak/child of The King, husband, father, grandfather, high-school teacher, clinician, drummer, audio tech, jeep owner, singer/songwriter, warrior-poet.” Tad chose to leave behind his family and kidnap a teenage girl. He had been married to his loving wife Jill since 1985.

His wife admitted that she began to feel strangely at the growing closeness

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Tad filled his Facebook page with various photos of his wife and his family, including his infant grandson. From outside appearances, it certainly seemed that Tad fit the bill of a devoted family man. However, the truth couldn’t be further from his outside façade. Tad’s wife Jill spoke to Inside Edition after the entire debacle and recounted how she had even met young Elizabeth several times. Jill believed that she and her husband were simply helping the young girl get through a difficult time. She even said that she felt quite close to Elizabeth and treated her like a daughter.

His wife had met Elizabeth several times