Teenager’s Abduction Turned Her Into A Different Person

Social Media Posts about Being in Love

Both Tad Cummins and Elizabeth’s social media held tell-tell signs of their supposed love affair. While they were free to express their love on social media, they never explicitly named one another. Not long before Elizabeth was kidnapped, she referred to herself as a “wife” on Instagram. It almost seems as though the two secretly communicated through their posts.

If only someone had paid a little bit closer attention to the two’s social media posts.

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Elizabeth even posted a photo from Beauty and the Beast with the quote, “Every beauty needs her beast to protect her from everything but him.” In yet another post, Elizabeth put up a quote reading, “I look forward to going to school just to see you.” Although Tad identified himself as a husband, grandfather and husband he also posted various love-related sayings and notes on his Instagram page. Around the time the pair vanished, he wrote, “Good morning all! This is going to be an amazing day! Let’s do this! #strong #unbreakable #love.”

Her social media held the secrets in plain sight