Teachers Who Go Above and Beyond the Job

Teachers’ jobs never seem to be finished: preparing lessons, creating curriculum, grading papers… They go the extra mile and make the biggest difference in students’ lives, from the small things to the deeply serious. Teachers can change a student’s entire life and many well-known people credit a special teacher for pushing them to be their best. (Oprah comes to mind, who has always exalted teachers). Read on and find out what these amazing teachers did to change the lives of their students.

Making Sure Their Needs Are Met


Sonya Romero is a kindergarten teacher in Albuquerque, New Mexico who thinks about her students far behind their grades or reading and writing abilities. “When my students come in the morning, I ask if they’ve eaten breakfast. Once they’ve had their breakfast I just do an assessment of needs,” Romero told CNN. “I buy and keep in stock socks, jackets, scarves, hats, toothbrushes and snacks. I’ve done that since I started teaching. And over the years as the population has shifted, I’ve needed a lot more of those supplies.”

Romero took in two students of hers who needed a very temporary place to stay, and a year later, they are still there with her. “There’s so many children that need homes and so many situations that are far more complicated. But if you have that space in your heart and in your home, it’s the best experience.”

Lockers That Inspire


The amazing teachers at Biloxi Junior High spent their entire summer painting the kids’ entire hall of lockers, printing and painting each locker like the book spine of a famous literary work. Included were modern classics and popular favorites, and each locker was a beautiful color. The teachers wanted to give the kids a shot of adrenaline about learning and about reading, pumping them up for the year ahead. One of the participating teachers told station WLOX, “We love the students here and it brings interest and gets them excited about coming to school.”