Australian Model With 99% Of Her Body Tattooed Says Finding Work Is Difficult
Tattoos have become very common these days. But back in the day, tattoos were frowned upon, and many people hid their tattoos to find work. And it seems that this is still a struggle for Amber Luke, an Australian Model.
Amber Luke, The Blue Eyes White Dragon

Amber Luke says 99% of her body is covered in tattoos, and according to her, that's why she cannot find a job.
The Australian model has spent over $250,000 on tattoos, including on her eyes - which are now blue. Hence her Instagram name - Blue Eyes White Dragon.
"I Don't Want To Work For A Shallow-minded Company"

On a radio show, Amber said, "I am not going to sugarcoat it, it has limited my employment options but that's okay."
"I don't want to work for a company that's shallow-minded and can't look past my image."
Employers Won't Look Past Her Work Ethic

Amber continues to explain her struggle.
"They won't look at my work ethic; they won't look at my morals or my values or what I have to bring to the table."
Everyone Has An Opinion

"Everyone has their own opinions of what beauty is. You see these cultures where people stretch their necks, their ears and their lips."
"But at the end of the day, we all are entitled to our opinion and that's okay."
Amber Constantly Receives Hate For Her Looks

What hurts Amber is when people come up to her and say things like, "Oh, you're ugly," or "You've ruined yourself."
Why verbally attack someone when they've done nothing but get a tattoo? Tattoos don't harm other people.
Her Eyeball Tattoos

Let's rephrase that tattoos can harm those receiving them. Like when amber tattooed her eyeballs.
"It felt like that tattoo artist grabbed 10 shards of glass and rubbed it in my eyes." And to make things worse, she went blind for three weeks after the procedure.
Dragon Fangs

But now that Amber feels satisfied with all of her tattoos, she has begun getting other body modifications done.
Such as sharpening, extending, and getting jewels for her fangs to go with her blue dragon eyes.

To Amber, all of this has been a great metamorphosis, she shared how she used to feel and look and says she feels better now.
"I was depressed... I was numb. I hated myself... Now, I've totally transformed myself into someone I'm proud of being."