8 of the Best Trade-To-Hook-Up Craigslist Ads
3. Blowjobs for Obama
In a desperate (crazy) effort to get Republican voters to vote for Obama, a woman put out a Craigslist ad offering blowjobs for Obama votes. Guess she didn’t think this one through… how on earth would she have verified the votes afterward???
Text of the ad:
I realize this is a safe blue state, but in a last ditch effort to spread the good word of Obama and offer up my totally awesome blowjob to anyone (especially Republicans) who vote for Barack Obama for president tomorrow!
My blow job is so good, I could probably get McCain to vote for Obama, assuming it didn’t stop his heart dead cold. Palin too, for that matter because I rock at that as well. And while I can only have a local reach in this effort, it’d be awesome to see if this could spread around the country and have there be lots of blowjobs for Obama. Yes we can! ETA: Wow, this is really popular so far. I’m sorry I won’t be able to get to all the Republicans and undecided voters (I only have so much free time), but keep on with the Democratic spirit guys! ETA: Thanks everyone for the replies! Count 3 of NY’s votes for Obama as my doing. 🙂 As for everyone else who I couldn’t respond to/blow (there were over 100 responses!) I hope you’ll consider some of Obama’s good points as you head into the booths tomorrow.
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