Reasons Why Regular Kids Are Actually Way Scarier Than Chucky
Perhaps the biggest dilemma that the human race has to deal with today is what to do with the kid population. They’re running rampant and with little to no supervision nowadays. The thought should terrify you if it doesn’t already.
You might be thinking, ah, no kids are cute and cuddly. Well, sorry to break the news to you but that’s just the front that they put up so brilliantly. They want to gain your trust because that’s the first step towards world domination. Prepare for your world to come crashing down when you read this article. For one, you should never accept any time of ‘food’ they make for you. You might feel played, you might feel rage but that’s okay, we need to be aware of how dangerous kids really are.
They Are Unpredictable

Photo Credit: Reddit / @Missbrooooke
Kids are so unpredictable in everything they do. One day they’re little angels the next day they’re puking on your head in high definition.
They don’t even gag beforehand, they literally just projectile vomit on anyone and anywhere that they possibly can.