People Who Are Flexing For All The Wrong Reasons
When we try to show off something, it can immediately backfire. It's like we have all this confidence in the world but it gets shut down harder than a rejected prom date. They try so hard, but in the end, it doesn't really matter to them.
They like to make things up as they go along, or they even try to make signs that prove a point. I mean, no one's impressed by your 'new whip'. Basically, they're just doing these things for all the wrong reasons and they need to stop thinking they're all that.

Go tell that to the people who survived the Titanic. Most people assumed it was a safe boat but it didn't quite hold up after iceberg came by.
Oh well, at least there's some hope for this boat. Hopefully, it doesn't end in the same result as the boat in real life, or in the movie.
Bad Neighbors
Come on, man, why do you have to be a jerk? It's not that hard to shovel snow off the other half of a staircase.
I guess you really have it in for your neighbor and whatever the reason it may be, it's not nice. Chances are, they won't cut your half of the grass in the summer.
Laundry Woes
Welcome to the single life, when laundry is your date for the length of a weekend.
It's okay because this sign is perfect for anybody who's single and really has no interest in relationships. Once you find that special someone, the sign isn't relevant anymore.
What A Workout
Cyclists who participate in the Tour de France tend to have some of the biggest legs around.
However, in this version of the race, their legs look like breadsticks from the start and it gets worse. The legs almost look like they're about to implode by the time the race is over.
Inexperience At Its Finest

Imagine bringing this guy into the job interview? Once you see the computer illiterate part, you'll be wondering how that slipped your mind.
Don't even think about hiring them too, it's going to look really bad when they can't read things from the computer screen.
Precautionary Warning

More farms need to have signs like this. There's so much truth to it that you couldn't help but laugh at it just a little bit.
Animals should be treated with respect since most kids love animals, especially on farms. But, that won't be enough to stop someone from petting the pigs.
Little Rub Doesn't Hurt
A little rub won't hurt on that steak or chicken you're cooking on the barbeque.
Sure, make all the references you want, but that won't stop anyone from buying it. Maybe their sales have boosted because of the name, or maybe people were just hoping to get a little more than they paid for.
There's A Chance?

From the looks of it, the date didn't go well or she's mad because he doesn't have helmets.
Either way, it doesn't get any more awkward than not speaking to each other after a night out on the town. Let's hope this doesn't lead to the end of their relationship.
Think Of The Gold Fish

Fact: goldfish do not belong in the toilet unless the time has come. You're actually dumb if you think it's okay to throw out a cute little fish when they're still alive. Have you not watched Finding Nemo? If you haven't, well, shame on you for not watching a children's classic.
Big Fat Phony
To think, he misleads so many people on his Snapchat list that they're disappointed. I mean, it's great you tried to pull off finally making it big, but you didn't fool anyone by doing this.
It wouldn't be a surprise if he did this all the time, living his life one lie at a time.
One Lonely Driver

You can't have fun with bumper cars with just one person.
That guy probably wanted to experience it all for himself, and the result is exactly what you would think it would be. Maybe ask your friends to come out for the fun next time, if you have any that is.
Not Loving It
These days, we aren't too sure what goes on in the mind of a McDonald's employee. They just do as they please, without being granted permission from their manager. So, here we have an event from the Big M that's encouraging everyone to come out despite not knowing what it is.
An Offer You Can't Refuse

Guess what? It comes with the sorting hat too, just like the one from the movies. You are so gullible if you were to buy something like this.
There's a good chance someone probably bought this while they were a little drunk on Butterbeer. Everything seems to be amazing when you're not sober.
Battle Of The Sexes
There's a valuable lesson here — girls tools are cheaper than guys tools. It's like insurance being cheaper for girls than it is for guys (there's a ton of truth behind that).
Maybe Target is teasing us, but this is just proof that you don't need to be a macho man to hold a screwdriver.
Not What You Think

Talk about a misleading ad. In fairness, just read the print on the bottom. It's just a harmless prank.
However, it won't be harmless once the cops find out about this. We aren't exactly sure what the consequences might be, but it won't be a happy ending that's for sure.
Prove It

If all goes as planned, this guy got himself out of school for at least the week.
If only the headphones didn't make it so obvious, they'd be squeaking by like no tomorrow. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures right?
Only In Vegas
Of all the places, Vegas would be the location to see things that are out of the ordinary.
Quite frankly, this would trip out anyone who's had more than just alcohol to drink. Reall though, just keep your distance away from the baby heads and everything will be okay.
Butter Killer
It's like they're that one annoying employee in your office who leaves expired food in the fridge.
Nobody wants to smell rotten food coming from the fridge. It really makes you wonder how in the world they were able to get a roommate in the first place.
The Horror
Ladies, why do you have to be looking like a horror movie villain? Guys don't want to see you looking like Michael Meyers. We're already terrified that you're thinking of killing us.
You're beautiful as it is, so stop wearing this mask and giving us nightmares all the time, okay?
The Difference Is...

There's so much honesty behind the answer but it's absolutely incorrect.
They probably didn't study so they just went for broke by doing what they do best — winging it. If this student has more realistic answers like this, they'll be getting a zero in no time.