People Shared Some Deeply Unsettling Facts About Life And Honestly, My Skin Is Crawling

There’s so much to celebrate in life — graduations, marriages, work promotions etc. But, unfortunately, life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. An unsettling fact is that the butterfly is going to die and the rainbow will disappear if you move your head slightly to the right.

Once again, we can thank Reddit users for making our skin crawl by telling us the most unsettling facts about life. Life, in general, is unsettling, but it’s hard to comprehend just how damning it really is until reading this article. So enjoy, I guess?

This Makes Me Shiver

Bones Are Wet.jpg

It’s easy to forget that your bones are actually wet because whenever you see a skeleton they’re usually dryer than a sand dune. For anyone who is squeamish, like me, this thought is haunting. It’s something that will surely keep me up tonight. How wet? Like jumping into a pool wet? Or just damp? Moist? *Gags uncontrollably*