Nobody Noticed This Shelter Dog, But Then Everyone Loved Him
Russ Was Acting Strangely Stoic
The Dodo
Filoon told The Dodo that when she first laid eyes on Russ, “He was just sitting there calmly, staring at me and I thought, he is adorable! I need to take him now.” However, Filoon had other dogs to walk at that moment and decided to come back to him. When she came back, she found that Russ hadn’t moved an inch. “He was sitting in the same position that he was before, just being quiet while the other dogs were barking and causing commotion.” It was then that she decided it was Russ’s turn to take a walk.
Russ Was Obviously Someone Else’s Pet In The Past
The Dodo
Despite displaying a stoic demeanor at first, once Filoon took him on a 45-minute walk, Russ’s personality started to shine through. She discovered that Russ knew his basic commands such as sit, down, and stay, which indicated to her that he was once someone else’s pet, leading her to wonder why he was even at the shelter in the first place. “He was really cuddly with me, even when we went into the yard. He seemed like such a sweet dog, and he didn’t bark at any of the other dogs.” At that point, Russ had certainly struck a chord with Filoon.